Форумы центра Великого Сергия Радонежского "ОСОЗНАНИЕ"
Karma diary

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Ирина Потемкина
Ветеран форума

: 29.10.2005
: 449
: Украина, г. Киев

: 20, 2006 1:50 pm     : Karma diary

This message is for like-minded people from all over the world, who would like to know more about ECOLOGY of THOUGHT KnowledgeSystem.
In this KnowledgeSystem we put our health at the first place in our system of values, understanding that health is spirituality incarnate. To maintain our health we use karma diary.
There are three columns:
- the first is “transforming negative emotions into positive ones”. In this field we use a lot of different techniques to achieve harmony state (like a violet ray; belief in measure, in norm; transforming state of aggression, depression, annoyance etc.). This part of the diary cleans us.
- the second is “thanksgiving”. We perceive ourselves as thanksgiving people and we learn to search out - what was done for us? Who we can thank for? Doing about 800 thanksgivings to other people a day will bring happiness and health in your lives. This part lets clean “water”, energy streams through your bodies.
- the third is “gifts”. In this field we write what gifts we’ve done to other people today and, vice versa, what gifts have been done to us. For example, a smile of a stranger can be a gift. It is so wonderful to notice even small gifts and be able to joy them. Here one paints his own “world-picture”, his life with light colors, variegate it.
Filling up these columns (it’s daily work) it is possible to feel how mood will become better and better, life - brighter and brighter, you – healthier and healthier day by day.
And someday you may find out that your diary is a real treasure.

P.S. I guess my English is not perfect, but I’ve done my best and I believe it is apprehensible.

I send you plenty of violets rays of love!

Potiomkina Irina.
   MSN Messenger
Гольцов Дмитрий
Активный участник

: 23.01.2005
: 79
: Moscow

: 04, 2006 12:36 pm     : HEALTH IS A NORM OF LIFE

In ECOLOGY OF THOUGHT Knowledge System there are magnificent words (in Pythagorean School they were known as “ golden mean”) - up to one’s norm, within reasonable limits.

Every individuality has a different norm in accordance with it’s transpersonal experience.
For example for some people 8 hours sleep is normal, for others – 4 hours are enough.

Comparing our norm with some other person’s norm leads only to a disharmonic state.

Our norm can change in different periods of time, only one thing remains consonant - HEALTH as priority # 1 in everyday life.
Гольцов Дмитрий
Активный участник

: 23.01.2005
: 79
: Moscow

: 04, 2006 10:58 pm     : I BELIEVE

Discussing movies at the lesson today one of the student said she didn’t believe in movies like Titanic.
-I just don’t believe in such situations.

I suggested her to believe for 3%, at least.
She refused.
-A story like that could have happened! A love story.On a ship. Why not ?
She agreed.

Of course, that’s fiction - things we see in films. But when we deny everything, we forget about the 3% of the truth and lose belief somewhere deeper, on a subconscious level.

The subtle point – if you lose your faith, this program starts expanding in every sphere of your life. Keep 1% of faith and you believe. Strange, but it works like this.

That’s why we say :
Irina Dzevel

: 27.09.2005
: 160
: New York, USA

: 11, 2006 7:01 am     : 1%=100%

I would like to share my experience how to increase the level of our Belief. This tip I learned on one of NY Tuesday meeting. Symple and amazing! Somebody's 1% or 3% are trully their 100% (for that particulal moment)! Isn't it wonderful!
With gratitude and love - Irina D.
Гольцов Дмитрий
Активный участник

: 23.01.2005
: 79
: Moscow

: 25, 2006 11:00 pm     : I love my body.

I love my body.
I love my head.
I love my left arm and every finger of my left hand –
first, second, third, fourth, fifth.
I love my right arm and every finger of my right hand –
first, second, third, fourth, fifth.
I love my left leg and every toe of my left foot –
first, second, third, fourth, fifth.
I love my right leg and every toe of my right foot –
first, second, third, fourth, fifth.
Гольцов Дмитрий
Активный участник

: 23.01.2005
: 79
: Moscow

: 20, 2006 9:00 pm     : Toothache

The reason of my toothache was uncertainty about the certain situation.
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